Saturday, October 17, 2009

Developing my fictional world

I feel like I haven't done much - but in reality I have taken my book from novella to novel. I finally broke the 50K word mark.

I'm trying to find the balance between being descriptive and overloading the reader with too much detail. When I speak - I am a rambler. I have worked so hard to NOT ramble in my writing that I have made it too succinct.

It always comes down to balance, doesn't it?

I finished another round of edits, and I am getting the manuscript reviewed by another person. However, I know I have to increase the book by 50% so I have continued to write and fill out what scenes I keep identifying as needing help.

One weird problem I have - this book is written from a man's perspective, which I have been mostly successful to date - but I have both sex and kissing scenes in it. I'm having a really hard time writing these scenes in general but especially writing them like a man. Normally when I am struggling on a perspective or style issue, I try to read books I like which parallel that aspect - but I can't even think of an example of a sex scene written from a guy's perspective.

Ooh - just thought of one, but I can't remember the name or author of the book. It's about a Druid, at the time of Caesar, who ends up befriending Vercingetorix - there's a few "action" scenes, including some for ritual purposes, and the protagonist is a man.

Off to start googling and finding this book! If you can think of it - or have another recommendation - please let me know!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Still Pushing Through

I never expected to be struggling so much through these final stages. I need to get my revision finished this weekend, because I have someone lined up to copyedit starting next weekend. There is no way I will get writing done during the work week.

The goal for this work is to be able to start querying agents in January.

I am still working through the notes of the last round of edits/recommendations. She gave really great feedback, and this has been immensely helpful. It is really interesting to see how another person interprets the clues and foreshadowing I include throughout the book. This was exactly what I needed to see! She has also been really great in identifying scene or characters I need to flesh out to make it more satisfying to the reader.

On a side note, did you hear about the sister site near Stonehenge which has been discovered? The new nickname seems to be Bluehenge. I am trying to see if there is a way to appropriately include it in my book. I haven't gotten up to the Stonehenge and Woodhenge scenes yet, so I will probably see it this afternoon.

Here is a link if you want to read about this discovery:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Not a lot written, but more great feedback

So I couldn't get into a writing mindset, despite my research and downtime - but that's OK. However, a friend of mine who is giving me feedback (clarity of storyline, character development, etc) is going back and reading it again.

She said, like my husband did, that she couldn't put it down. In fact, she finished it in 2 sessions!

Still have more to do, and still need some professional help, but this is certainly keeping the motivation going!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back on track this week

I have taken the week off from work, and have already caught up on my recorded shows on the history of the Druids, Celts and some really interesting stuff on underground Dublin. (Right now I am loving the inventor of DVR - I've had these shows sitting there for as much as 5 months!)

No more excuses - writing commences today!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


OK - I have not been writing for a month. I'm the in process of moving and a relative has passed so the timing hasn't worked and probably wont for a while longer.

But, in doing some light reading recently, I discovered something interesting. I have a pivotal event which happens on the Summer Solstice in the book, and I have since discovered some mythology stating that the Tuatha de Danaan crossed over on the Summer Solstice - this ties in beautifully with my book. I already intentionally had mythology layered onto history mixed into the fiction - and this just adds to the depth.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So this weekend I had fun beefing up my character Gwydion. He's an important secondary character, but he didn't have much of a personality other than being smug. He's not done yet but I have a lot of great mythological parallels and he has a bit more depth now. Still so much more to do...but baby steps....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good Sign

So I printed up my manuscript for my husband to read. He is a stickler for grammar, and is wonderful at catching the smallest error. In the process of writing this book I have gone from 3rd person present tense to 1st person past tense so I know there is a load of errors throughout.

Well, he got so caught up in the story that there are barely any edits! He also told me that he started having trouble putting it down (he can't lie to save his life - so this is most likely true).

Now I know my grammar isn't ideal and I know he is quite biased - so I am choosing to interpret this as just a good sign that I am on the right track

I am also making a mental note that I need to try a crit group again or a hire a professional editor.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What is in a name?

So Rowan Spence isn't my real name - it's what I have decided to use as my pen name. It's making things a little confusing as I am trying to pull together my old stuff and my new.

So why Rowan Spence? Well, Spence is my maiden name. Although I took my husband's name when we got married for love and social convention - I will always be a Spence (as well as an Addington, a Rizzo, a Neel, a Molloy.... you get the picture)

And Rowan? I've always loved the name. I find it beautiful, magical - and I love the fact it can belong to a man or to a woman.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Keeping Up the Motivation

So here I am. I have been working on my book for almost 5 years. What have I gotten done so far? A ton of research, much of it housed on my old website , a killer library, and a fast paced novella - but not quite a book yet.

Honestly, I thought it would be done by now - but progress has slowed down for the past 2 years. Not from a lack of motivation - but a lack of time. I started a new job...and it went from there.

So I really don't have time to update my website, to write my book and do what I need to for my job. However - I miss writing online. I am hoping I will be able to keep up with the blog and that will help the process to start snowballing in the right direction again.

And turn that novella of mine into a published novel....