Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eliminating the Weakest Link

So I've done an assessment of the parts of the book I haven't been happy with; the parts of the book which feels like it's not ready yet.  I narrowed it down to a  22 page section which has 22 different scenes which can be elaborated on significantly.  These are all cases of telling and not showing. 

There is a key difference in this section, one which makes it easy to fall into that basic writing trap. It is the only part of the book where I don't introduce a character, foreign setting, folklore or ritual/magical aspect. I guess without these components I didn't feel the importance of this part of the book, which is the preparation of the protagonist for the climax of the story.  This is going to be tough, but I feel like when I get through this I will have seriously improved my writing ability.


  1. For a moment there, I read that to say that you had got your whole book down to 22 pages, and nearly fell off my chair!

    Best to you for getting through this next bit of editing.

  2. Can't wait for the paperback.

  3. I also have to learn to triple check my writing when I blog after 10 PM :-)

  4. Hi Rowan, thanks for joining my blog, Tales of a Kitchen Herbwife. Given your interests, you might like to have a read of my writing blog, Mercian Muse at I'm not able to concentrate a lot on my writing at the moment, too busy with work and my herbs this year!

  5. It's hard balancing multiple projects - between my writing, my volunteer work and my day job there are weeks at a time where I don't know which end is up!

  6. Oh...and checking out your other blog now!
