Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good Sign

So I printed up my manuscript for my husband to read. He is a stickler for grammar, and is wonderful at catching the smallest error. In the process of writing this book I have gone from 3rd person present tense to 1st person past tense so I know there is a load of errors throughout.

Well, he got so caught up in the story that there are barely any edits! He also told me that he started having trouble putting it down (he can't lie to save his life - so this is most likely true).

Now I know my grammar isn't ideal and I know he is quite biased - so I am choosing to interpret this as just a good sign that I am on the right track

I am also making a mental note that I need to try a crit group again or a hire a professional editor.


  1. Yeah, I'd take that as a good sign as well. I'll probably also have to hire a professional editor. I hope everything goes well for you!

  2. Hubby's are great for editing and give guidance. My hubby made me rewrite three chapters this weekend. But his plot suggestion for solving the mystery element in my novel was something I hadn't thought of and it turned out to be perfect.

  3. Congrats!! It's always a triumph when the husband has good words. :) Mine can't lie to save his life either.
