Monday, January 25, 2010

Back on Track

It's been a while. The end of 2009 was all about my day job, but we are in a new year with new focus! Lots of positive things happening:

1) I have a real sense on where I need to flesh out my book
2) I discovered my old website ( has over 1000 unique visitors a month even though I haven't updated in 2+ years, so I am looking to get an actual website designer on-board to revamp and help me maintain the website.
3) Thanks to some guardian angels I will be getting to go to Ireland and see more of the places which until now I have only been able to imagine
4) I've gotten another 1000 words written this year (which is better than the last 2 months of last year combined!)

Got to run - much to do!!! I'll be back.